Monday, March 31, 2008

Cisco CCNP / BSCI Exam Tutorial: Filtering BGP Updates With Prefix Lists

A large part of your CCNP OIOS and manage successfully the examination & 39; BGP, including filtering updates BGP routing. In this tutorial, we are going to throw a coup d & 39; look at the way updates filters with the prefix BGP is lists.
R4 advertising on the three networks BGP. The router downstream R3 sees these routes and submit them to the table BGP, as shown below. R3 has two downstream BGP, R1 and R2, and as advertising itself after skipping the IP address & 39; BGP for all routes of these two routers.
R4 (config) bgp 4
R4 Router (config - router) network mask
R4 (config-router) network mask
R4 (config-router) network mask
R3 show ip bgp
BGP the table version 4, Number local router is 3.3. 3.3
Status codes: the oppressed, steamed d, h * valid history & gt; best, i - Internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - from & 39; EEA? -- Incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf weight Path
* & gt; 0 0 4 * I
& gt; 0 0 4 I
& gt; 23.0 .0.0 * 0 0 4 I
R3 (config) bgp 123
R3 router (config-router) nearest neighbour-hop self
R3 (config-router) nearest neighbour-hop self
In twice R1 and R2 of these three lines in the BGP tables.
R2 show version Ip bgp
BGP Table 4, local router is
Status codes & 39; identification: the oppressed, steamed d, h * History & valid amp; gt; best, i - Internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - from & 39; EEA? -- Incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf weight Path
* & gt; i21.0.0.0 01000 4 * I
& gt; i22.0.0.0 01000 4 * I
& GT; i23.0.0. 0172 .12.123.3 01000 4 I
R1 show ip bgp
BGP table of version 4, local router is
Status codes & 39; identification: the oppressed, steamed d, h * valid history & gt; best, i - Internal
Origin codes: I - IGP, e - EEE -? -- Incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf weight Path
* & gt; i21.0.0.0 01000 4 * I
& gt; i22.0.0.0 01000 4 * I
& GT; i23.0.0. 0172 .12.123.3 01000 4 I
If we wanted to get all three of these R3 lines R4, but not all of them advertise R1 and R2, we have a number of & 39; options, as shown in these lines block. Cisco & 39, the recommendation is to use the prefix & 39; lists, and if you become accustomed to the syntax (what you should do before you start to take and dissemination of the OIOS), and & 39; you will see that they are actually easier to use than the & 39; access Lists.
In this case, the configuration R3 dispatched only of & 39; route to and for R1 R2. But we want these two routers d & 39; get that all future roads R4 campaign BGP.
Since R1 and R2 are & 39; more information on these roads iBGP d & 39; a neighbor, they are not advertise connections other.
On R3, we write a prefix of the list, which denies / 8 and / 8, but with all the other lines. After & 39; application of the prefix of the list, as indicated, the R1 sees only / 8 route.
R3 (config) ip prefix list FILTER R1 deny
R3 (config) ip prefix list FILTER R1 deny / 8
R3 (config) ip prefix list FILTER R1 allow / 0 the 32
R3 (config) bgp 123
R3 Router (config-router) neighbours prefix list FILTER R1 out
R3 clear * ip bgp soft
R1 show ip Bgp
BGP table version 6, local router is
Status codes & 39; identification: the oppressed, steamed d, h * valid history & gt; best, i - Internal
Origin codes : i - IGP, e - from & 39; EEA? -- Incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf weight Path
* & gt; i21.0.0.0 01000 4 I
The paths d & 39; access to / 8 and / 8 was a success , filtered.
We & 39; ll do Even for R2, with the exception of & 39; n & 39; line is not locked, it is explicitly / 8. The line & quot; ip list prefix allow / 0 the 32 & quot; & 39; is the equivalent of & 39; a prefix of the list & quot; & A ; amp; quot; instruction in a ACL.
R3 (config) ip prefix list FILTER R2 deny
R3 (config) Ip prefix list FILTER R2 deny
R3 (config) ip prefix list FILTER R2 allow 0.0. 0.0 / 0 the 32
R3 (config) bgp 123
R3 Router (config-router) neighbours prefix list FILTER R2 out
R3 clear ip bgp soft
R2 * show ip bgp
BGP table version 6, is
Status router local codes d & 39; identification: the oppressed, steamed d, h History, valid * &; Gt; best, i - Internal
Origin codes: i - PGI, E - from & 39; EEE, ? -- Incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf weight Path
* & gt; i23.0.0.0 01000 4 I
The paths d & 39; access to / 8 and / 8 was a success , filtered.
To prefix to the list, see the configuration, a distance & 39; as in the order of statements in each list, run show ip-prefix list.
R3 show ip prefix list
ip-prefix FILTER R1 the list: 3 entries
seq 5 deny
seq 10 deny
seq 15 allow 0.0 .0.0 / 0 prefix 32
ip list FILTER R2: 3 entries
seq 5 deny
seq 10 deny / 8
seq 15 permit / 0 few 32
Get hands-on practice with lists of prefix And you will quickly you started. Prefix lists are an important element of cooperation with BGP in & 39; examination of the chamber and production networks, and it is essential that you can work comfortably with them.
Chris Bryant, CCIE 12933, the owner of The Bryant Advantage (http:/ / Www., House of free CCNA and CCNP tutorials, The Ultimate CCNA Study Package, Ultimate CCNP Study Packages, CCNA CBT and video training. Passport to the & 39; CCNA examination, OIOS review, and in private BCMSN with Chris Bryant, CCIE 12933!
For a copy of his Free ebooks, & quot; How To Pass The NACC & quot; and & quot; How To Die CCNP & quot; password, go to site and load your copies! You can now FREE CCNA CCNP and issues of every day without e-mail d & 39; registration. Discover your & quot; & gt; CCNA study guide for The Bryant Advantage! shelli hannelore

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Leak Prevention: Data Security in the Digital Age

With a recent spate of high-profile data leaks, the need for reliable data security is top of the minds of many business owners and managers. And if leaks are intentional, unintentional or malicious in nature, a leak of information can cost millions of dollars to companies - and the confidence of its customers or partners. In fact, according to data from 2006 cost study The Rape Ponemon Institute, in 2006, data breaches total cost of the companies an average of 4.7 dollars, or $ 182 per customer record lost.
" The burden of enterprises must shoulder as a result of a database Failure are important, which makes a strong case for more strategic investments in prevention measures such as encryption and prevention of data loss " said Dr. Larry Ponemon, chairman and founder of the Ponemon Institute, in a written statement. " Tough laws and intense public scrutiny means the consequences of poor security (data) are steep - and increasingly steep for the companies responsible for the management of data stores consumer ". Among the 31 companies that participated in the study (all experienced security breaches), the violations occurred as a result of the following: 45% of data security breaches resulted from the loss or theft of laptops , desktops, PDAs, thumb drives or 29% were caused by the loss or theft of files acquired or used by a third party 26% of the offences were caused by the loss or theft of electronic backups 13% were caused by the loss or theft of paper records or files 10% involved hacked electronic systems 6% were caused by insiders malicious 6% were caused by malware 3% of the violations of data security was caused by a misplaced storage network or device of the company due to a natural disaster Data Protection: How to Increase Your Data Security To decrease the risk of a violation of data security, companies need a solution information-centric: with a coverage, simplicity, and data protection. And if you choose a product as protecting Websense Suite content or other information leak prevention (ILP) solution, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of losing valuable data. This includes: The use of a ILP tool to discover where sensitive data resides. This will help not only the inventory data are available, but it will help you understand how you can develop a plan for protecting data to meet their needs. Monitoring data on the network and see how it is used. This will reveal the risks and (perhaps) the broken business processes that exist. Establish policies for the protection of data and assign a value to each piece of sensitive information. Once it is determined how sensitive the data, one can determine the cost-benefit of the protection of data and the value of data to your organization. With this in mind, one can establish parameters for how the data will be accessible, that can access it - and for how long. Once the data protection policy has been developed, it is important to educate their employees and explain the consequences of not following the political will. Unfortunately, there are no data security plan is foolproof - especially when employees carry laptops from one place to another. But with a ILP and a political solution for protecting data on your site, the chances of experiencing a database leak can decrease.
-- About the Author: David Meizlik is the Product Marketing Manager for Security Solutions Websense, Inc., the leading provider of web content and security solutions based in San Diego, California. His responsibilities include the positioning of products go to market and development strategy, market and competitive analysis, software development, and management of all marketing activities for the departure of security products Websense. Meizlik served as marketing manager for new business opportunities, and partner marketing director of technology for the construction of the Websense Web Security Ecosystem, an alliance of more than 38 partners in the technology and distribution. For more information about Websense, visit lakia nitro

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Here s How You Can Improve Your Life Earning Just 5 Bucks a Day

Whether you always have up-to-date with the hype about the laws of attraction and the secrets of the universe, that is a story that changes your entire online business strategy. Who would have thought " 5 Bucks a Day " was all you needed to take care of? It is, and Dennis Becker history will explain how.
More people realize that every day, their thoughts, their reality and gain experience in their lives. When it comes to your online marketing companies, you may feel that no amount of positive thinking can help you. This could be true, and you could have tried " " everything, but the problem is the way you try to the goals you are setting.
Dennis " history is not to reveal or new Software marketing strategies, entitled to the millions. You benefit from his experience and learn to avoid what and where to invest, because just like you, he has tried them all! It was where you are, fighting for more than he paid and constantly studied guru-hand books, trying to learn the magic key. There is no magic key, but it is a reliable way to apply your knowledge to a profitable future.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Web designers in Pakistan

Need a new look? Vagaries of the market on the Internet to change the way the industry is changing as the need to change the website. If you are looking for a new web design, and I do not want to spend a lot of money and build one for a professional Web designers try to please pakistan.
affordable outsourcing expert was able to deliver in the same high-quality products as the Western partner, but only a fraction of the cost. The main protagonist is a low-cost saving lives in the Middle East, the designer& 39;s certification to be able to claim far fewer. So this is the same reason, many companies around the world have chosen to outsource work area.
as may be hard to believe, you are the boss now, the decision to actively and impact on the bottom line. If you are a big company, Pakistan and India will get a web designer, it is to understand the small companies, too? Ultimately, Internet marketing, almost without exception, take place on the Internet, the physical location is a little far consideration.
professional made by the countries of the Middle East and the culture of peace and respect. The region is not the case in the high court of complaints from consumers and other society in the system and the value attributed to the hard work and sheer joy of the job is not yet done a very good place. Respect the personal level between experts, phenomenal.
it work in the region and are simply willing to do so. Additional benefits, many experts in the Internet world in the area of customer service training and professionalism. Quite a few companies are running a customer service center in the Middle East for this very reason. Designers who know only what they can be comfortable in a professional job and might, in order to break fresh webmasters.
highly trained many of the same mathematics like coding and design are universal language. Many Web designers will attend the University of Western Middle East, and those that are highly trained, local universities are not. Coding occurs in the same format, regardless of language programmer is the ability and nationality should not overshadow it. Most designers, and highly trained, in some cases, on the website redesign.
the qualified to take on low-cost, high-quality service to the Pakistani experts in the major market players, Large-scale Web Design. Website is often the most lucrative assets, and Internet marketers of Arsenal, should live up to its reputation. Pakistan is a good Web designer to be able to design products for other programmers to a small percentage, which is very useful if you are a webmaster.

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