Sunday, April 6, 2008

Introduction to Microsoft .NET Technology

In 2000, Microsoft has announced. NET software environment, a new feature of Windows. L & 39;. NET (dot & quot; - net & quot;) & 39; of the environment is indeed a & quot; virtual computer & quot;, based on a real computer, with the advantage that everything & 39; program is written for them in any & 39; computer in the course & 39; execution. NET.

One important aspect of & 39;. NET is the strategy of independence in relation to a particular language or platform. The developer can create an application. NET. NET - compatible language and participate in the same software project, which in the code. NET languages in which they are responsible (such as Visual C + +. NET, Visual Basic. NET, C , Perl and others). Part of the & 39;. NET environment software includes Active Server Pages (ASP). NET, it enables developers, the development of applications for the Web.

The. Net architecture can be on different platforms, extending back to the portability. NET programs. In addition. NET environment includes a new software program for the development of the process could change how the programs will be written and executed, resulting in an increase in productivity.

The main component of the & 39;. NET is & 39; architecture of Web services, which are applications that can be used to & 39; Internet. An example & 39, a Web service is the tour operator booking of flights. The tower operators wanted to allow customers to book flights of the round operators of the site. To do this, the tour operator needed to the system of reservation of the airline. In response to a partner airline created a Web service, with the organizers of trips & 39 d & 39; access to the database of airline and make reservations. The Web services enable the two companies, the communication on the Internet, including & 39; they use different systems & 39; operating system (tour operator uses UNIX and Windows the company used). For the creation of a Web service & 39;, the airline could d & 39; other tour operators to use their accounting system without a new program.

The. NET strategy is the concept of reuse of software in & 39; Internet, enables developers to focus on their specialties without the implementation of all components of the application. Instead, companies will be able to buy web services and their time and their energy to & 39; design of their products.

The. NET strategy l & 39; idea, the software re-use. If the companies to promote their products in this way, a new experience for the user & 39; arises. For example, an online store can buy online Web services for payments by credit card, & 39; authentication of users and the & 39; inventory of databases to an e-commerce site. The key to the interaction are XML and SOAP, a web service to communicate. XML is a sense of the data, and is the SOAP protocol that allows Web services for the communication between them easily. XML and SOAP act together, the combination of Web services to applications.

Another important to the concept. NET is universally l & 39; access to the data. When two copies d & 39; an existing file (like on a personal computer and IT companies), the current version is less constantly updated, calls this & 39; synchronization. If the versions of the file are different, they are not synchronized, and lead to serious errors. With & 39;. NET data could be stored in a central location rather than separate systems. The device connected to the Internet, you can access the data, which is then properly formatted for use on device d & 39; access (PC, PDA or other device). How can the same document and be made public, without the data to synchronize, as it would be to day near the city. Internet &

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