Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Creating SEO friendly URLs

If you own a site, you should know that without a search engine optimization, or SEO, a web site has no value, and is less likely to get indexed by eerie " spiders & quot; search engines, and will ultimately suffer in the ranking. What is the end result? Poor conversions. Your site sure does not deserve such treatment. One way to ensure this is the use of SE-friendly URL-addresses. Search engines can be very picky where addresses and get dizzy when they face a long confusing URL. They prefer to see the URL, which do not have long lines of inquiry. Our intention is to search engines happy.
Static URLs
SE-friendly URL-address URL, are those that are easy to remember for the visitors and just spidered. Dirty URL (dynamic) are a thing of the past and slowly, people realize the importance of clean URL-addresses (static). For example, URL type:
http: / /
gets indexed much faster than
http: / / view url = best
A dynamic May deceive search engines, and as a result of your rating will hit low.
URL Length
At basic level, URL, which are friendly SE, are those that are keywords, added to them. Make them as short as possible, as many phrases as possible that are relevant. Do not forget to use keywords that you would like more goals. Web user should find it relevant and easy to enter and should not be too long. Just as the physical address short easy to remember, the same way it must have greater visibility and be easy for visitor remember.
Hyphens in URLs
There is another aspect of good SE-friendly URL-addresses. Do not use to connect to emphasize words and instead use a hyphen. This is the pain of all those typing in the URL and underscores not only that; URL without underscores getting better seen in the search engines. For example, URL, as " SE friendly " will appear only when the user enters that way, and this is clearly not how we type key words when searching. At that time, URL, such as " SE friendly & quot; or " SE-friendly & quot; happens to manifest themselves much better on search engines and provides more visibility.
Use lower case letters Letters
Using URL, also helps. Never before URL-addresses of all upper or hint of capital letters in them. We all know that people do not use the letters when searching for something. Despite the fact that most servers are not sensitive, you would be a problem if they were.
URL Rewrite
If you already have a web site, you will have to rewrite the URL, to cover all these discrepancies. How can we do this? Rewriting URL means the establishment of a system on the server, which will understand and interpret the new format URL. What happens is that we are actually making them dynamic and static. This means that URL, which had previously requested rows will be replaced by a slash and simple layout. There are several free tools that can be used for rewriting URLs.
Having static SE-friendly URL-the address could lead your site on the right track and help in search engine optimization. SE-URL-friendly web site will make you more visible to visitors and enables search engines to find it too easy. Spend time and effort in the creation of SE-friendly URL, and you will see that the results are enormous. You will find your page and moving up a web site restoration high ranking before long. See you on top!

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